Sunday, November 13, 2011

Shlomo Carlebach's Last Concert

Shlomo Calrebach spent the last days of his life in England. His last Synagogue performance was Wed. Oct. 12. He was in London for Shabbat, Oct. 15. On Sunday, Oct. 16, he sang at Ronnie Scott's jazz club London. On Wed. morning, Oct. 19, he flew to NY and suffered his heart attack in La Guardia just as the plane was taxiing. He died in Western Queens Community Hospital in New York Thur. evening October 20, 1994 16 Heshvan.

This intimate concert or Kumzitz was perhaps the last of his life. Filmed by Alex Klein Manchester, two days before Shlomo's untimely death in New York.

Part 1.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8


Anonymous said...

Amazing, thank you for posting. Alex Klein lives two houses down from me. Lives R'Shlomo's Torah. Great to stop locals from years ago

BK said...

Well done Alex. Anyone got footage from the concert at UMIST approximately 1985 or at Broughton Jewish in winter 1962-63??