Thursday, November 24, 2011

Nice Family Singing at Wedding

Chazzan Pesach Segal - of the Hendon Adas Yisroel in London - grandchild's wedding.

This video is programmed to start at a specific part of the video. If you wish to see the entire video, click at the beginning, right above the pause button.

Baruch Levine's Vizakeini.

Talented young Chazan sings "Eitz Chaim" with his family as the choir.

Shema Yisroel and Rabos Machashovos Medely

Singing Jewish contemporary songs with two children.

Chazzan Pesach Segal of the Hendon Adas in London singing at his granddaughter's wedding. (Hindi Kreditor) with Tuli Kreditor

Chazzan Pesach Segal of the Hendon Adas in London singing with his grandson Tuli at his granddaughter's wedding. 2007

1 comment:

chiya said...

Mazel Tov Chani may you live a long and happy life together till 120 years sorry i couldn't come !