Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ignorant Anti Semitic OWS Protester with Lubavitcher

A video of an Occupy Wall Street protester arguing yesterday in New York City with a Lubavither young man, has surfaced.

I don't think i can even call this guy "dumb!" That would give him too much credit. "Total brainless dumbbell" is more like it.

Jewish man: I work 65 hours a week.
Protester: You probably live in the Hamptons ‘n’ some ****.
Jewish man: I live in the Hamptons? I live in Brooklyn. I work 62 hours a week. I pay $1400 a month rent. Do you work 62 hours?

Protester: You know what’s funny? Your people own schools and *****n government buildings, but your wives are on welfare. I don’t understand that. I don’t understand that. I met a public assistance officer. And they were Jewish, but their husbands own *****n’ everything.

The protester then goes on to explain why he doesn't need to have a job. In his mind, everything is free.

This video has been edited as the original video was deemed inappropriate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

actually i agree with the other guy, why should we have to pay to live on the earth we were born on