Sunday, November 20, 2011

Football Makes Children Cry

From the author: "My 6 year old son, after being told [Friday] morning that the NY Jets lost to the Denver Broncos 17-13. He was devastated (and not too happy when he realized I was filming him)."

From the author: "This is a video of a little girl freaking out when the Green Bay Packers beat the Minnesota Vikings."

Now all we need to find out is if this girl is Jewish as is the boy in the top video, and then we have a Shidduch!

Update: Dec. 4, 2011.

From the author: The second quarter explosion by the New England Patriots really made it a difficult Sunday afternoon... I like when I told him Brady may throw a pick, and he exclaims "all he does is throw Touchdowns..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the biggest brat of them all?