Friday, November 04, 2011

Cops Stop Plane From Taking Off With Illegal Cargo

Brazilian federal police ram an aircraft as the plane attempts to take off from a rural road, because the plane was suspected of operating as part of a smuggling operation. The video, shot from the back seat of the car, shows one man in the car dressed in street clothes holding what appears to be a semi-automatic weapon. As the car pursues the aircraft, the driver reportedly says "Don't fire! I will hit the wing. Do not fire!" Soon after that the car catches up with the single engine aircraft and appears to strike the left wing, sending shattered glass into the car's cabin. One man exits and the camera pans to show the low-wing single engine aircraft sitting on a collapsed left main gear. The armed man exits and shouts at the aircraft's occupants.

According reports the event concluded with five arrests, including the plane's pilot and the capture of approximately $200,000 in laptops and electronic surveillance equipment.

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