Thursday, October 27, 2011

Yehalellucho Music Video

Music Video of "Yehalellucho" Composed by Moshe Laufer, HaNeshomo Loch 9 will be on the shelves in the stores shortly.  HaNeshomo Loch is a musical series by the Shalheves Orchestra. The new album includes inspiring Chanuka songs, and various songs from Hallel, As a bonus, a video clip of "Yehalellucho"  by Moshe Laufer is included with the album.The song was first recorded by R' Leibele Heschel, and it was rearranged for HaNeshomo Loch by Gilad Potolsky, with a solo by Heschel.

HT: Shlager.Info

1 comment:

emes said...

a typical moshe laufer song