Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chaim Yisrael Sings Avraham Fried's "Tanya"

Chaim Yisrael sings Avraham Fried's famous "Tanya." Composed by Yossi Green.

It makes me wonder every-time i think about it, why hasn't Chaim Yisrael performed at a HASC or Ohel or any other major concert in the United States?!

Chaim Yisrael concert on Shushan Purim 2010, at the Heichal Hatarbut theater in Tel Aviv, Israel - Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


BP said...

with all do respect mr. gruntig are you sending a message to some one or just thinking out loud

Anonymous said...

This is not "Tanya"

lily said...

Chaim, you're the best. Beautiful song. With love.