Saturday, October 15, 2011

BD"E Rebbetzin Bat-Sheva Kanievsky A"H Bnei Berak - Rebbetzin Bat-Sheva Kanievsky passed away in the early afternoon on Shabbat, in her home in Bnei Berak. She suffered a heart attack. Rebbetzin Bat-Sheva Kanievsky was the wife of Rav Haim Kanievsky and the daughter of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, known as “the greatest posek,” or halakhic decisor. The rebbetzin’s funeral was at the Lederman Synagogue in Bnei Berak Saturday night at 10:00 p.m.

Video from several years ago of the extraordinary Rebbetzin bestowing her blessings upon three youngsters celebrating their becoming Bat Mitzva and Bar Mitzva.

Levayah of Rebbitzen Kanievsky A"H

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