Saturday, October 22, 2011

8th Day and Lipa Schmeltzer Concert

Brothers Shmuli and Bentzi Marcus of  8th Day performing Yalili with Lipa Schmelzter. At the 8th Day Lipa Schemltzer concert in Brooklyn, NY. Tuesday, Chol Hamoed Sukkos, 5772.

With A Umbrella and a H'maeil singing his composition Vezurakti and his new composition Vasumachtu. Music by The Freilach Orchestra.

Lipa Schemltzer sings "Diet." At the 8th Day Lipa Schemltzer concert in Brooklyn, NY. Tuesday, Chol Hamoed Sukkos, 5772.

Lipa with the Merakdim dance crew , singing "Mizmor L'soda." At the 8th Day Lipa Schemltzer concert in Brooklyn, NY. Tuesday, Chol Hamoed Sukkos, 5772.

Lipa with the Merakdim dance crew , singing "Loshon Hora/Hora" At the 8th Day & Lipa Schemltzer concert in Brooklyn, NY. Tuesday, Chol Hamoed Sukkos, 5772.

Lipa singing Al Todin Chavercha at the 8th Day & Lipa Schemltzer concert.

8th Day singing "Tatenyu" at the 8th Day & Lipa Schemltzer concert.

The Finale at the 8th Day & Lipa Schemltzer concert in Brooklyn, NY. Tuesday, Chol Hamoed Sukkos, 5772.


Anonymous said...

Why need to pay all concerts are online the next day

Anonymous said...

Obviously youv'e never been to a concert if you can't see the difference between watching it online and being there live.