Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Avraham Fried & MBD at Chabad Telethon

Chabad of California' s 31st annual L'Chaim "To Life!" Telethon raised over 4.2 million dollars during its 3 hour TV extravaganza hosted by Larry King.

Click Here for Pictures.

Avraham Fried Sings Moshe Yess' Zaidy.

MBD Maaminim.

MBD Moshiach.

Yeshiva Boys Choir's performance from five years ago was once again aired this year.

The Dancing Rabbis.


nechama said...

it doesnt look like some of these clips are from this years telethon. avraham fried and mbd's beards are darker than they are today

Anonymous said...

you are right, they did announce at the telethon `lets welcome mordechai ben david`, not `lets roll a pre-recorded telethon, but i do assure you it was aired at the telethon, i watched it live, i was really delighted when i first saw it, as i thought mbd had taken a bit of pride in his look (nothing wrong with it), and put a bit of colour dye in his beard and trimmed it a bit. i just still cant take mbd seriously how he looks with a long white beard, it just doesnt look anything like the real mbd with the lions` roar voice :(