Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Frum Man in Monsey Sacrifices Life to Save Others

A heartbreaking news report about a man who saved a father and his child from being electrocuted by live electric wires which had fallen in Monsey from Hurricane Irene. The heroic man lost his live in the process.

We all know that "Shluchei Mitzvah Einan Nezakin," this must mean that in heaven it was decreed that his life was complete, only that they they gave him the Zechus to pass on through saving anothers life. "Mazakin Zechus Al Yidei Zaki." May he be a Meilitz Yosher.

HT: TheCoolJew

1 comment:

Brenne Meirowitz said...

It is heartbreaking. Horrible death. Really no words, just tears of thanks and of sorry.