Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Boro Park Residents Say They're Terrorized by Dog

Borough Park, NY - Residents of a Borough Park block are up in arms over a dog they say has attacked three neighbors.

Neighbors say Sammy Kisin's 60-pound terrier mix Jessie is a dangerous menace - but Kisin says the dog is gentle and neighbors on the 60th St. block are out to get him because he doesn't fit in the heavily Hasidic Jewish neighborhood.


Velvel said...

Everyone on the block should carry the dog spray that mailmen carry, also a big challah knife if that doesn't work. Believe me, the owner will control the dog when he knows all of his neighbors are armed to the teeth.

Stella said...

This is pretty crazy!

fishman said...

kids could have provoked the dog. kids will be kids. i cant understand why a dog should, without cause go for an attack. just because the dog cant speak does not mean we should jump to conclusions. after a 100 stitches, even in third world countries action would have been taken. much more for US. all kids have a way of barking or disturbing dogs.