Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Shlomo Hadarshan as Lipa Schmeltzer & More

Live from Lakewood, NJ: Oorah's Gold Rush with Shlomo Hadarshan acting a Lipa Schmeltzer, Rabbi Peysach Krohn, George Bush and many others. Click below the video to watch the rest oh his impersonations.

Shlomo Hadarshan as Lipa Schmeltzer

Shlomo Hadarshan as Shlomo Carlebach

Shlomo Hadarshan as a Rabbi Paysach Krohn

Shlomo Hadarshan as R' Amnon Yitzchak

Shlomo Hadarshan as Ronald Reagan

Shlomo Hadarshan as George W. Bush

Shlomo Hadarshan as a Hungarian Bubby

Shlomo Hadarshan as Jackie Mason

Shlomo Hadarshan as Barack Obama

Shlomo Hadarshan as HaChaver Herman Von


thejewishteen said...

Lol these r great!!

choolent fresser said...

OMG!These videos were almost as good as my Thursday night choolent LOL!


OMG! These videos were even better than my Thursday night chulent! LOL!

Anonymous said...

...sorry i can't reely rite althoe i wanted to because i'm lafing toooooooo hard?????

p.s. sorry about any mistakes-thats what happens when you laugh so hard... you should try it, it feels real good!