Friday, February 11, 2011

Zayin Adar - Egyptian President Resigns

Egypt's Hosni Mubarak resigned as president and handed control to the military on Friday after 29 years in power, bowing to a historic 18-day wave of pro-democracy demonstrations by hundreds of thousands. Mubarak made his announcement right after nightfall which in the Hebrew calendar was right after the completion of the seventh days of Adar which is the birthday and Yahrzeit of the first redeemer of the Jewish people in Moshe Rabeinu who was born in Egypt. Significance? I Have no idea!


Anonymous said...

Now the question is whats going to be with the holy land will they still honor the peace treaty !

ויקם מלך חדש במצרים said...

ז' באדר יום נפילת מלך מצרים
משה רבינו ביום הולדו שבו בריא מזליא מפיל את מלך מצרים