Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Islamic Cheder

Here is an undercover video from inside of a mosque inside the UK showing several children being hit, slapped, and intimidated by their teacher.

"Lehavdil Elef Alfie Havdolos" on the studies, but i don't know if i can say the same regarding their disciplinary strategy.


Anonymous said...

OMG ! it reminds me when i was a kid in cheder

yossi said...

We need nuchem rosenberg now emergency !!!

kritzler said...

children who are continually physically abused tend to be physical abusers – or terrorists…
the making of terrorists-in a mosque no less-surprise !

Anonymous said...

Could’ve sworn I was watching a video of what goes on in a madrassa in Pakistan…7th century indoctrination in the heart of 21st century Western Civilization.

Yam60 said...

haha ! Each one of those kids was thinking, “The stuff in this book sucks,” though probably only the brave ones said it aloud.

Anonymous said...

this is just like in the talmid torah's in my time ! don't know if the rebbes still hit the children these days

Blogy said...

let them kill each other there will be less terrorist in the world

Anonymous said...

i don't see what the kids did wrong here !

Anonymous said...

Religion of peace, everyone.

Yoly said...

no wonder they want to strap themselves up and blow

Anonymous said...

Anyone else caught on camera doing that would immediately be brought before the courts. But considering this guy would be brought before a sharia court, he would probably get an award for beating children into Islam