Saturday, January 01, 2011

Jewish Boy Debates Other Little Big Scholars

A shown on FOX News called Pundit Pit, does a child prodigy edition.

Not a new video (Dec 19, 2009), but still entertaining.

Look out on the bottom left corner for 14 year old Jonothon Krohn. Krohn, now 15, is Halachically Jewish, although his Mother is R"L a Meshumedes.

Jonathan Krohn addresses thousands at the CPAC convention. February 9, 2009,

Two guys harassing the poor kid.

Patrick Gavin from checks back in with Jonathan Krohn, the young conservative who stole the show at CPAC last year. Gavin spends an afternoon with Krohn discussing the current state of the Republican Party.

I wonder what came first, sucking at sports or great at politics?!

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