Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Tongue Twister in BP "40 Free Flights From Fiveish!"

40 Free Flights From Fiveish…and Counting!

I love the number 5! It’s my nickname, my identity, and it’s also what we’re giving away in this year’s Oorah Auction Early Bird raffle! You heard right - we’re giving up to 5 times the regular amount of tickets in our 8 Nights 8 Flights campaign – exclusively for donors of $36 or more in Oorah’s  Auction!

But hurry – our deadline to enter the Early Bird raffle is tomorrow (Thursday, December 2 - the first day of Chanukah!) at noon. After that, you can still get the Early Bird Special, just five less tickets each night. So enter now for a chance to turn your tickets from a solitary one to FIVEISH! Bring the whole family with you!

Oorah's Fiveish yesterday, giving out donuts on Boro Park's 13th avenue getting out the exciting word about how many tickets you could win in Oorah’s Early Bird raffle!

Fiveish explains some of the prizes from the upcoming Oorah auction in a comedic animated video.

1 comment:

fan said...

please create a facebook page for gruntig