Monday, November 22, 2010

Rap on Jewish Life at Harvard University

From the author: "This is our submission to the Jewish Boston Video Contest. We are hoping to raise money to promote Jewish life on the Harvard University Campus through organizations such as Harvard Hillel and Harvard Chabad. We hope you enjoy the video!" Click Here to vote.

Rap: Max Vizelberg
Instrumental: Swag Surfin, by Fast Life Yungstaz.

"How's being Jewish in Boston?" That's what you ask
Explaining this in video form is my due task
Judaism thrives here, and it tends to blossom
And here at Harvard, we're a microcosm
Of the Yiddishkeit present in Greater Boston
Keep it all in translation, nothing ever lost in
Hebrew spoken here, throw in a little Yiddish
Come for Shabbat dinner, and have a little Kiddush
Hillel and Chabad bolster your Jewish identity
And come to the lounge for some peace and serenity
Tossin' and turnin' cuz I need to get my gelt fix
And these matzahs are ballin' kinda like the Celtics
Let me introduce myself, the name's Maxbetter
At Harvard, the Crimson "H" is our Scarlet Letter
Pray with the minyan, put on tefillin
Or grab a bite to eat, how 'bout Jewish penicillin
Cafeteria fleishig, so don't bring in a pizza
And when davening, don't cross the mechitza
Enough with the don'ts, here's a list of what you can do
Participate in clubs and events; if you plan to
Hang out with the guys of AEPi, the Jewish fraternity
We maintain our traditions while embracing modernity
This contest isn't about the fame or to become rich
It's to promote Harvard Hillel and Chabad Lubavitch
Religious intolerance, we work to erase it
Different cultures present, so we learn to embrace it
Pluralism on campus, l'chaim for diversity
Like the Ner tamid, I've been rappin' for eternity
Before I bid thee farewell, let me tip my yarmulke
I wish all Jewish Bostonians a Happy Chanukah
These menorahs are bright like the sun, solar
Shout out to, the wandering is over.

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