Sunday, November 21, 2010

Popular Bad Boy Rapper Shyne Becomes Chassidic

Bad Boy Rapper Shyne Goes Kosher

CNN News - Like many of the worshippers there, Levi is dressed in traditional garb – a silver-striped silk robe, black knee-length pants, a white knit skullcap, and specially knotted fringes dangling from the sides of his legs. In many ways, he is indistinguishable from the thousands of ultra-orthodox Jews who call Jerusalem home. The only hint of something unusual is the Kurt Cobain T-shirt he wears under the robe, the black Ray-Ban sunglasses, and the signs of recognition on the faces of tourists passing by. Levi is, in fact, far from your standard ultra-orthodox adherent to the Jewish faith.

He was born in Belize as Jamaal Barrow, the out-of-wedlock son whose father is now the country's prime minister. At the age of seven, he moved to Brooklyn, New York, with his mother, and grew up in a hardscrabble urban setting. It was on the streets of Flatbush that Levi took up rhyming, eventually becoming the hard-core gangster rapper known as "Shyne." The up-and-coming hip-hop artist's career came to an abrupt halt after a 1999 New York City nightclub shooting incident Click Here for more.

Throughout the past weeks I've noticed several videos of this Jewish black rapper, recorded by Frum people in Israel. Though i never understood the significance and never paid much attention to them. But now i see this was a big story. This man was a relatively successful rapper with millions of views on his videos on the internet and recognized by all the big names in the secular world of rapping.

The Videos below are not necessarily in chronological order.

Talking to some people in Isreal.

Shyne Davening the Shemona Esrie at the Kotel...

Shyne at the Kotel dropping some lines

Shyne giving us a freestyle after an hour long speech.

Talking about the Holidays he spent in Israel

Moshe Leviy AKA Shyne speaks about Judaism and how it influenced him and kept him going. Location: Ba'al Teshuva Yeshiva Ohr Somayach in Jerusalem, Israel. September 4, 2010.

Before taking Shyne to Tel Aviv to promote Torah learning, Shyne says Tehillim...

A Mushroom with Peyos!

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