Monday, November 29, 2010

An Enchanting Magical Chupah By EvanAl Orchestra

EvanAl Orchestra featuring a 25 piece musical ensemble conducted by Chaim Rosenblatt at the Rye Town Hilton. Enjoy the enchanting melodies and the original arrangements that made this magical Chupah a most memorable event. Watch The RCCS Event tonight streaming right here on GRUNTIG.NET to see the EvanAl Orchestra live.


Davidi said...

Wowwwww Yafeh Meod

Anonymous said...

sound and arrangements are off

Anonymous said...

In today's times, somebody should show such extravagance is really a sin

Anonymous said...

Finally......a band that plays to your heart and soul.

Anonymous said...

We love you Chaiml. You are a go-getter and an inspiration. Keep it up. (LS)

Anonymous said...

Warms your soul!!!!

Anonymous said...

Such soothing music, have it on repeat on computer.

Anonymous said...

GO---EVEN AL!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

very nice!

Anonymous said...

Gruntig loses its credibility when you only post pro-EvanAl comments! We know you are friends and they are advertisers! What a shame. my comment from earlier is correct and published on other sites... shame on Gruntig for not showing the true voices of the public. I am done with you. hatzlocha!

No more Gruntig for me said...

I agree with the above comment. I also gave my opinion regarding this video, and the moderator for some reason did not let it go through.

Ohh well Mr. Gruntig, you lost a loyal fan.

Please Do Go! said...

Anyone who is warped enough to be "upset" that their negative opinion on a video that is widely hailed as the most beautiful Chuppa on youtube, must completely hate the Band, and not the content contained in the video. Please go elsewhere for your entertainment. Gruntig is for intelligent people. ALthough why do I know that you have been onto Gruntig 20 times since your posting of this comment. You just cant respond, because really didn't go bye bye....wooops.

Anonymous said...

and rosenblatt is on youtube EVERY day checking the comments and taking off the ones he doesnt like.... what a joke.