Thursday, November 11, 2010

Crazy Deer Wants More Beer!

A deer crashed through the window of Luke's Bar and Grill on Main Street in Bluffton, SC. Surveillance video shows a typical Friday afternoon in the bar. Around 2:30, an unexpected customer comes crashing through a window. The buck topples tables and struggles to regain its footing. The deer gone wild startled patrons and employees. One even got on top of the bar to keep a safe distance. The buck scrambled down the aisle, slipping and skidding on the floor, as it frantically looked for an exit. When it finds one, it stands in front of it and looks as though it might take another fateful leap.

But one quick-thinking employee decides to show this deer out. He runs around back and appears to try to prop open a door. It closes behind him as he goes inside but not for long. Soon, the employee comes running back out with the deer at his heels and the buck bolts into the neighborhood.

Those at Luke's say no one was hurt. The only damages were to the window, tables and chairs.

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