Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yosef Karduner Performs Im Ein Ani Lli Mi Li

VINNews - New York - He has numerous albums to his credit, but unlike most Jewish singers, Beit Shemesh resident Yosef Karduner shuns the spotlight, preferring instead to live his life following the directives of R' Nachman of Breslov. He lives simply, devotes his life to prayer and learning and spends at least one hour a day immersed in hitbodedut, the practice of conversing privately with Hashem in a secluded location in order to gain a clearer understanding of oneself and establish an intimate relationship with Hashem. Click Here For More.

Singing Im Ein Ani Li.


Jewzic said...

Yossi, Muchshar means talented...

Jewzic said...

I took this video of Yosef Karduner...
