Monday, October 25, 2010

Michoel Schnitzler and Friends Work on New Album

As previously announced, several major Jewish composers are working together on
a brand new album.

Be the one to guess what album they're working on, and win a trip to the studio.
Hint: the CD is being distributed by "Nigun Distributors".
Hint: Choir will ne done by: "Hamizamrim"
Email your answer to:

Composers that are working on this album: Yossi Green, Lipa Schmeltzer, Pinky Weber,
Motty Ilowitz, Naftali Schnitzler, Tuli Weill, Duvid Kaufman, Meir Adler,
and more.

This new CD with over 20 songs is scheduled to be released iy"h around chanukah time.


Anonymous said...

What a chillul hashem to have a frum looking man smoking in the video>

Shloimo Seskutov said...

Why in the world you think it's a
hillul Ashem? How about Friederiker Rebbe who was smoking...