Monday, October 18, 2010

French Boys Choir - Halleluy-ah

Boys choir form France named "Les Chevatim" (not sure what Chevatim means)at an in studio recording session.


Anonymous said...


Lucky Wolf said...

Oh! Shevatim! Like the benei Yaakov.

How come I've never heard of them in my life?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for good stuff

Anonymous said...

Les Chevatim is the French transliteration of HaShevatim - "The Tribes". It threw me when I first saw it too. Much like finding a Spanish site which says "Eishet Jail" instead of "Eishet Chayil".


Anonymous said...

hey, amerikaner, ir zent nisht aleyn af der gorer velt!

Lucky Wolf said...

efsher nisht in kaamus, uber in eichus zicher yeh.