Wednesday, October 13, 2010

After Being Underground for Over 2 Months First of Chilean Miners Rescued

After more than two months (69 days) trapped underground, a rescue capsule has reached the 33 Chilean miners and is bring them back to the surface one by one. Florencio Avalos, the 31-year-old second-in-command of the miners, was the first miner out.

The Chilian miners, taped nearly a half-mile underground sinve Aug. 5, range in age between 19 and 63. A wall collapse on Aug 5. trapped the miners. Rescue eforts were comlicaeted by additional co lapses. It takes between 15 and twenty minutes for the capsule to travel from the surface to the to their emergency shelter more than 2000 feet below.

The rescue continues throughout the night rescuing the rest of the 33 miners.

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