Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mivtzah Lulav with the Shul Janitor

No, he is not Jewish! What a Shame!


Anonymous said...

Your video with the black gentleman shaking a lulav is a disgrace to Yidden and a massive chillul Hashem. One, a lulav and esrog are not props to be used in ones twisted idea of a joke. Second, the man is not your monkey to be used as you see fit. He is an honorable gentleman who obviously got stuck working for lowlives. It reminds me of old videos showing how the nazis treated jews for their entertainment!!

Anonymous said...

This video deeply offended me as well.

How can a Jew, who is supposed to be Betzeilem Elokim, jokingly refer to this HUMAN BEING as a "shaygetz" to his FACE?!?!? How do you think he would react if he knew what it meant?

We are better than this.
At least we need to be.......

Anonymous said...

In the video with the black person shaking a lulav, if you listen closely you can hear the person filming refer to him with a gay slur. This video is nothing short of disgusting.