Thursday, July 29, 2010

Orthodox Rabbi Was Targeted In Failed Firebomb Attack

Court records show a former Tennessee State University student tried to firebomb the Nashville home of an orthodox rabbi. Federal agents said the threat was part of multi-state attack that left a soldier dead in Arkansas in 2009. Abdulhakim Muhammad faces a string of charges, including murder, after he was accused of shooting and killing a soldier in Little Rock, Ark.

Agents said Muhammad also confessed to wanting to kill Nashville Rabbi Saul Strosberg of Sherith Israel congregation before the Arkansas shooting. "We were told by the federal agents that he tried to throw a Molotov cocktail through the window of the house where we'd been living. It never exploded," said Strosberg. In court filings, Muhammad told an Arkansas state doctor that he the bomb "bounced off the glass" but didn't go through. He said his attack was "retaliation, nothing personal." Click Here for more.

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