Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Rav Pinchas Scheinberg Meets a Bochur with Many Pairs of Tzitzis

Rav Pinchas Scheinberger who is known to wear many pairs of Tzitzis at once is seen here meeting a bochur who is also wearing many pairs of tzitzis one above the other.


Anonymous said...

pure mockery _ disrespectful!

Anonymous said...

It's Scheinberg, not Scheinberger. And it's pairs, not pears.
My goodness, get a clue.

Lucky Wolf said...


its just that i was eating a pear and a burger as i was posting this so i got confuse.

But i only messed up the second "pear" and that's because when i was writing the headline i didn't start eating my pear yet, i was still involved with the burger.

anyway thanks for constructive criticism. i'll fix it now and try to stop eating when i post, although i don't know if i can do the latter.

Anonymous said...

While I understand that it can be viewed as "disrespectful and mockery", this was on Purim and the bochur in question is a talmid at Torah Ore and very close with Rav Scheinberg. As you can see from the clip, the Rosh Yeshiva appreciated the sense of humor of the bochur and gave him a brocho.