The song will first be posted here on the main page and then will be added on the right column above the three featured videos of the week.
The first in this series features the song "Kaili" off of the album "Yismechu Bimalchuscha - Boyaner Nigunim" released in 1980.
Lyrics: קלי למה עזבתני
Composed by Simcha Fishman.
Sung by: David Werdyger, MBD & child soloist
fyi the child soloist is yisroel meir shapiro of ACHEINU "THE SHAPIRO BROTHERS"
Btw, I remember when this great song was released. The child soloist is Yisroel Meir Shapiro. Today of Acheinu.
please correct. the child soloist is not chaim meisels its yisroel meir shapiro of acheinu recorded @rabbi eli teitelbaum studio thanx!have a good yom tov!
This song was on two separate albums and the record cover of either album make no mention of a Y.M. Shapiro, but rather of a Chaim Meisels.
this is from the record cover that was blue.&i just confirmed with yisroel meir shapiro that its him&he confirmed that it is...i can get u his e mail....ask people that know!
if u check you will see its the only soloist on the album not singing chasidish!
It seems like you know what you're talking about.
But why isn't his name mentioned and why does it have a different name as the soloist?
Email me and i'll send you the cover.
thanx for the correction!gut voch!
The reason why Yisroel Meir Shapiro's name is not on the album is that he was a late addition to the album, whose cover was already printed. The other boy if i'm not mistaken has other solos on the album and sings chassidish. If you want to compare voices, check out Yisroel Meir on Amudai Shaish Vol. 2, the double album, on which he is a star soloist. You can check him out these days singing with the same style (albeit in a much deeper voice) on Acheinu.
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