Friday, March 12, 2010

Jo Amar Chazan SZ Baumgarten & Eli Lipsker's Boys Choir 1981

The late Jo Amar, Chazzan Zalman Baumgarten (Tzum Langer Yoren), Eliezer Levitin, Eli Lipsker with his choir sing at the Maple Street Shul of Crown Heights concert in 1981.

Congregation Ahavas Moische in Crown Heights, commonly known as The Maple Street Shul, will be holding their annual Melave Malka this week. Scheduled for Shabbos night, March 13, at 8:00 PM, the event will celebrate the synagogue's survival amid years of hardships. They will be featuring a video from their 1981 Melave Malka with performances by Jo Amar, Zalman Baumgarten, Eli Lipsker's Boys Choir, and a speech by Rabbi JJ Hecht OBM. presents an exclusive short clip of that video.

Learn how to Help the Shul Here.


Anonymous said...

yechi adoneinu moreinu vrabeinu ... OY OY OY MOshiach ....

Anonymous said...

Jo Amar you'l by always the best of the Sfardic music
Chava al deavdin vela mishtakchin!