Thursday, January 28, 2010

Historical Footage of the Huge Wedding at the Nassau Coliseum

די היסטארישע סאטמאר - וויזניצער חתונה אין נאסאו קאלעסים ס'ווערט געזעהן דער ברך משה ז"ל הרה"ק ר' משה ארי' פריינד ז"ל ווישניצער רבי פין בני ברק שליט"א מיט אחיו ווישניצער רבי פין מאנסי שליט"א

Historic footage of the Historic wedding at the Nassau Coliseum in the 1980's(?)

I'm not sure exactly when this wedding was but here is an article in the NY Times from 1987 about the popular caterer David Scharf who catered a wedding at the Nassau Coliseum for twenty thousand guests. Perhaps this is a video of that wedding.

Below is Part 2. Click on the link below for part 1 and 3.

Click below for 2 more videos.

Part 1.

Part 3.


Anonymous said...

"Jacob K. Javits Convention Center" as per the NYT article that you identified.

Anonymous said...

OMG that article is crazy amazing.

There is a David Scharf who i remmeber did pesach with KMR in Whistler two years ago i think he might still be doing it with them.

Anyone know if this is the same guy?