Sunday, December 06, 2009

Shwekey in London

Beis Yaakov Primary School (London) Annual Dinner 2009


Anonymous said...

Bais Yaakov dinner with disco lights ???

kol said...

that how we make money these days

Anonymous said...

Beis Yaakov want the Bnei Toirah to come to the school, this dinner proves that Beis Yaakov is not made for Bnei Toirah! Why did the Rov of the school boycott this dinner?

Anonymous said...

Who is the Rov of BY London? I also find it strange thet a BY school should put out such a preformance, it looks like a 'modern crowd'.

Anonymous said...

As a parent of the school, I must tell you that I felt ashamed and disgusted, I hope it eill not happen again.

Anonymous said...

lets see you go out and try to raise money and then you can talk

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but the end does not justify the means, is this school run by Daas Toirah or not!

Anonymous said...

It's a sad reflection on the school that this is the only way they can make money and this is how they can draw in the crowds, please note that any parents who the school would want to pride themselves on as bnei torah were not present at the dinner!

Anonymous said...

Can someone pass on to one of the governors pur comments, because to tell them to their faces is hard! Many parents are very disturbed, and want to know why the achool did not follow Daas Toirah?

Chaim said...

Can someone please explain to me what the heck the big deal about this is???

It's Yaakov Shwekey, come on!

it's not moshav, matisyahu or even as cotreversial as Lipa (once was).

looks like a very nice event.

what all the rage all about? is it maybe because im american that i dont understand?!

Anonymous said...

The problem is that the BY is trying to attract Bnei Toirah without success, so some parents are saying to them dont expect good parents to send to a school which dpes not follow Daas Toirah - thats all

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Halpern wrote a warm letter of suppport, he didn't come th the dinner because he gives Shiur on Sunday night late.