Wednesday, December 02, 2009

New DVD "Di Neshuma Flam" by Michoel Schnitzler

Michoel Schnitzler is back at work. That’s right after the success of his album "Mein Kind Tref Mich", Michoel is filming the DVD of his first Yiddish album. There will be 9 individual videos each one from a song off the album, and a “play” depicting the story of the song. This is the first time something like this has been attempted.

Photo: Michoel acting during the shoot of the song about the Baal Shem Tov and the brocho he gave to the parents of the Koznitzer Maggid.

The DVD 'De Neshoma Flame', is set to release sometime in January 2010.

Below is a humorous promo clip where Mr. Schnitzler calls Michoel, who tells him a big secret -- which he can only tell to one other person...

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