Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Mrs. Leah Rubashkin Speaks in Crown Heights

Mrs. Leah Rubashkin, wife of Reb Sholom Mordecahi Rubashkin - who sits in a Cedar Rapids, IA, prison awaiting a decsion to allow his release on bail as well as his sentence - received a standing ovation Sunday as she spoke about her husband's faith amid hurdles.

We are surrounded by a world that, [in] its very nature wants to deny Hashem. Bitachon is our window - not out of reality - but into reality."

This is the philosophy the helped the Rubashkin family remain strong and sane as their business and life were shattered, said Leah Rubashkin.

The wife of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin and mother of 10 spoke Sunday to 500 women in Crown Heights about "the journey of my family." Click here for full article by ColLive.

To join the caring members of Klal Yisroel who have signed on Reb Sholom Mordechai’s behalf, CLICK HERE and fill out the petition.

1 comment:

Guyt said...

I don't see a miracle! her husband is sitting in jail denied bail again in again