Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lipa Raps

Lipa Schmeltzer sings Hentalach and does some raping with the "I have a feeling" (i have a feeling this song isnt so Jewish) song at a chasuna.


Anonymous said...

I think you should spell check this post!

Yank said...

whats youre issue here?

Anonymous said...

Rapping not raping.

Anonymous said...

i think Lipa should not sing a Black Eyed Peas song at a frum wedding. even if he changes the words in yiddish! Its disgusting how the chasidish crowd is dancing at a time of kedusha to pure tumah. shame on lipa and neginah.

dude said...

"Rapping not raping"

good point, but it wouldn't show up on spell check anyway.

strange said...

funny how singing in yiddish changes the sond of a song totally....