Friday, November 20, 2009

Very Interesting Clip of the Tosher Rebbe Shlita

Tosher Rebbe saying the brocha "Hamoitzie" (2007).


Anonymous said...

he is famous for this

Anonymous said...

How did they know when to say Amen? Perhaps he wanted to say Min Ha'aretz once more?

Anonymous said...

Was he always like this - or only lately?

Yudi said...

Will all respect to the rebbe shlita, is this a stuttering/mental problem that the rebbe has? if it is, i ask it be removed immediately, its a bizayon to the rebbe...

dovid said...

yudi--no, it's not a bizayon to the rebbe but the words come by themselves when you feel something very, very deeply. i've sometimes had this when i daven. i showed the clip to 2 goyim who were very moved and inspired by the way the rebbe made the brucha with such deep kavanah. he's in a class by himself. baruch hashem we have such tsadikim