Friday, November 06, 2009

Rubashkin Trial: Illustrations

This has got to be the funniest thing. An artist for the Des Moines Register Mr. Mark Marturello draws some illustrations of the court room in Sioux Falls S.D. where Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin's trial has been taking place.

The court hopes for a verdict to be announced as early as this coming Tuesday or the latest on Thursday, (Wednesday is an off day).

May we hear good news soon.

Rabbi Asher Zeilingold, of St. Paul, Minnesota, holds his hat in his hands while sitting in the courtroom listening to testimony Thursday, November 5, 2009. Zeilingold is a supporter of Reb Sholom Rubashkin, who is on trial in federal court in Sioux Falls, S.D.

Click below for more illustrations.

Reb Sholom Rubashkin takes the witness stand during his financial-fraud trial in federal court in Sioux Falls, S.D., Thursday, November 5, 2009.

A supporter of Sholom Rubashkin clasps his hands around the torah as he listens to testimony during Rubashkin's financial-fraud trial in federal court in Sioux Falls, S.D., Thursday, November 5, 2009. Some supporters quietly recited prayers in the courtroom.

Hats sit on a bench outside the federal courtroom in Sioux Falls, S.D., where Sholom Rubaskin is on trial. Several young boys removed their hats before entering the courtroom and left them outside on the bench. Thursday, November 5, 2009.

Reb Sholom Rubashkin takes the witness stand during his financial-fraud trial in federal court in Sioux Falls, S.D., Thursday, November 5, 2009. (Looks more like Reb Itche Der Masmid to me!)

Reb Sholom Rubashkin sits at the defense table before being called to the witness stand in his financial-fraud trial in federal court in Sioux Falls, S.D., Thursday, November 5, 2009. The judge made a few remarks and clarified court rules before proceedings began Thursday morning.

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