Thursday, November 26, 2009

וישק ירוחם לחיים


Gadlus Hayachid said...

Looks like Momo and Hillel sharing a private pre-circus discussion in the social hall. That, or Dr. Middos trying to keep his beard on using static electricity

Anonymous said...

Totally not appropriate. Please remove.

Gadlus Hayachid said...

Your innapropiate for being anonymous

Chaim said...

who's "Momo and Hillel" ?

Lucky Wolf said...

Anon 3:59:00 AM,

is it the title or the content that you find inappropriate?

Gadlus Hayachid said...

Momo is Dr. Middos, and Hilldog is the kallah. Agav, that years circus was pretty good. But this years should turn out pretty good as well.

Anonymous said...

what circus you talking baout?

where is this from?

Unknown said...

its 2 boys

Anonymous said...

whats this all about?