Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yiddishe Macholim the Song

Samson Kemelmakher performs "Jewish Food"

Click below for the lyrics and translation.

Lyrics and translation.
Samson Kemelmakher.
Varnishkes mit kez un mit puter Af shvuestog hot gegebn mir mayn
muter, A milekhikn zup mit milekhike
beygelekh. Geven bay undz a file shtub mit yingelekh un meydelekh.
Yidishe maykholim, ir zent in mayn zikorn—
Di mame hot gekokht mir un gebakt. Khvel keyn mol nisht fargesn, Geshmak geven dos esn— Gefilte fish mit knishes un kabak
Mit lokshelekh, a yoykh, mit pastrome
A frish neshome gegebn mir di mame.
Ale ir maykholim un gefilte fish, Far dem hob ikh ir shtark gelibt,
gegebn ir a kush.
Af yomkiper m'hot fargosn mit a glezl
Un mhot farbisn a kishke mit a heldzl.
Ayln tsu kol nidre, tsi hern in der shul,
Gefirt hot mir der tate, umetum geven ikh ful. ***
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English Translation: JEWISH FOOD
Samson Kemelmakher
On Shavuous my mother gave me Varnishkes with cheese and with
butter, A milkhik soup, with milkhik
bagels. We had a house full of little boys
and girls.
Jewish food my mother used to cook and bake for me You are in my memory— I will never forget
How tasty the food was— Gefilte fish with knishes and
With noodles, chicken soup and pastrami
My mother refreshed my soul. I loved her very much for all her
food and gefilte fish, And for that, I gave her a kiss.
On Yom Kipur, we poured out a little glass
And ate kishke and heldzl. Hurrying to hear Kol Nidre in the
synagogue, My father took me everywhere, And I was full!

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