Tens of thousands gathered at the western wall to fulfill the ancient tradition and receive the priestly blessing of the Kohanim.
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Eliyahoo William Dwek
1. Anyone who has taken on the surname, ‘Cohen’/’Kohen’ is clearly identifiable as a fraud, a liar and an imposter of the true Cohanim.
This goes right back to his original ancestor who LIED, and said he was a Cohen when he was not.
Anyone called, ‘Mr. Cohen’ or ‘Rabbi Cohen’ is definitely NOT a Cohen. Someone who calls himself, ‘Mr. Cohen’ or ‘Rabbi Cohen’ is effectively calling himself, ‘Mr. Torah!’
2. The Kohanim are part of the Torah – but they are not called, ‘Mr. Torah.’
It is preposterous for a man to call himself, ‘Mr. Torah!’
If someone makes you a cup of coffee, or sells some bread to you, will you say, ‘Thank you Mr. CoffeeMaker!’ or, ‘Thank you Mr. Baker?!’
3. The coffeemaker and the baker have a Family Name.
The Dweks from Aleppo, Syria, are the only family of the true Cohanim.
We are the only true descendants of Aharon HaCohen, the Cohen HaGadol.
And, we are the only true descendants of Pinhas ben Elazar ben Aharon HaCohen.
It was the great act of Pinhas, who stopped the plague in Am Yisrael, when he struck the spear into Cozbi and Zimri. 24,000 died in a plague from the sins of idolatry and immorality with the Midianite women.
3. Concerning: (a) Rabbis who are clearly not Kohanim and (b) Rabbis who are not true Cohanim, but who claim to be (this includes many of the ‘rabbanim’, ‘dayanim’ and ‘mekubalim’ of today) and (c) The ‘layman’ who is not a true Cohen, but who claims to be:
Take note:- There are numerous people who fall into the above 3 categories. These people are regularly pronouncing the, “Birchat Kohanim”, or giving ‘brachot’ to the Jewish People.
They have no right whatsoever, to do this.
And they are actually “taking over” the role of the Cohen - for themselves.
• This should be corrected speedily, so that the role of the Kohen to give brachot, is returned to him, and is no longer usurped by others.
• Rabbis and rabbonim should have the humility to direct a person in need to a true Cohen.
4. Those who need a brocha would be well advised to find someone who is known to be a true Cohen.
Those seeking a bracha should be made aware, that the full Bracha from Hashem can only pass from Hashem, to His true Kohanim, and then to the Jewish People.
1. The best person to go to for a bracha is: a true Cohen.
Hashem passes His Beracha to the Kohen. And only a true Kohen can pass the full Bracha from Hashem to all of Am Yisrael - for material and spiritual blessing.
In ancient times, where there would be a difference of opinion between the Melech and the Cohen, the Melech, the King, would always have to defer to the Cohen.
This demonstrates the extremely high stature of the Kohen.
2. The Cohen has a specific function to act as an “interface” between Hashem and the Jewish People – and to bless them.
This is done through the, “Birchat Cohanim”. No one else, other than a true Kohen, is permitted to recite the, “Birchat Kohanim.” (Parsha of Nasso – 6:22-27)
The Cohanim are specifically commanded to bless the Jewish People, “Be’ahava” - “with Love”. The Shechinah, the Presence of Hashem, is only able to rest on the Cohen, as he is a true descendant of Aharon HaKohen, the first Cohen HaGadol.
1. Anyone who has taken on the surname, ‘Cohen’/’Kohen’ is clearly identifiable as a fraud, a liar and an imposter of the true Cohanim.
This goes right back to his original ancestor who LIED, and said he was a Cohen when he was not.
Anyone called, ‘Mr. Cohen’ or ‘Rabbi Cohen’ is definitely NOT a Cohen. Someone who calls himself, ‘Mr. Cohen’ or ‘Rabbi Cohen’ is effectively calling himself, ‘Mr. Torah!’
2. The Kohanim are part of the Torah – but they are not called, ‘Mr. Torah.’
It is preposterous for a man to call himself, ‘Mr. Torah!’
If someone makes you a cup of coffee, or sells some bread to you, will you say, ‘Thank you Mr. CoffeeMaker!’ or, ‘Thank you Mr. Baker?!’
3. The coffeemaker and the baker have a Family Name.
Similarly with the true Cohanim.
And that family name is, ‘DWEK.’
The Dweks from Aleppo, Syria, are the only family of the true Cohanim.
We are the only true descendants of Aharon HaCohen, the Cohen HaGadol.
And, we are the only true descendants of Pinhas ben Elazar ben Aharon HaCohen.
It was the great act of Pinhas, who stopped the plague in Am Yisrael, when he struck the spear into Cozbi and Zimri. 24,000 died in a plague from the sins of idolatry and immorality with the Midianite women.
3. Concerning:
(a) Rabbis who are clearly not Kohanim and
(b) Rabbis who are not true Cohanim, but who claim to be (this includes many of the ‘rabbanim’, ‘dayanim’ and ‘mekubalim’ of today) and
(c) The ‘layman’ who is not a true Cohen, but who claims to be:
Take note:-
There are numerous people who fall into the above 3 categories. These people are regularly pronouncing the, “Birchat Kohanim”, or giving ‘brachot’ to the Jewish People.
They have no right whatsoever, to do this.
And they are actually “taking over” the role of the Cohen - for themselves.
• This should be corrected speedily, so that the role of the Kohen to give brachot, is returned to him, and is no longer usurped by others.
• Rabbis and rabbonim should have the humility to direct a person in need to a true Cohen.
4. Those who need a brocha would be well advised to find someone who is known to be a true Cohen.
Those seeking a bracha should be made aware, that the full Bracha from Hashem can only pass from Hashem, to His true Kohanim, and then to the Jewish People.
1. The best person to go to for a bracha is: a true Cohen.
Hashem passes His Beracha to the Kohen. And only a true Kohen can pass the full Bracha from Hashem to all of Am Yisrael - for material and spiritual blessing.
In ancient times, where there would be a difference of opinion between the Melech and the Cohen, the Melech, the King, would always have to defer to the Cohen.
This demonstrates the extremely high stature of the Kohen.
2. The Cohen has a specific function to act as an “interface” between Hashem and the Jewish People – and to bless them.
This is done through the, “Birchat Cohanim”. No one else, other than a true Kohen, is permitted to recite the, “Birchat Kohanim.”
(Parsha of Nasso – 6:22-27)
The Cohanim are specifically commanded to bless the Jewish People, “Be’ahava” - “with Love”. The Shechinah, the Presence of Hashem, is only able to rest on the Cohen, as he is a true descendant of Aharon HaKohen, the first Cohen HaGadol.
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