Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hoshana Rabbah Kumzits with Yehuda Green

The Ultimate Kumzits with the One and only Yehuda Green On Hoshana Rabbah Evening Thursday October 8 2009 in Boro Park
Like Shlomo, the honesty of Yehuda's music unites our people as only our almost universal love of song can. Regardless if its an intimate kumsitz or a sold out concert, Yehuda's style evokes an emotionally response that few if any performers can match

Below are 8 more videos of that event


S.Minsk said...

Thanks! You have no idea how much a "spiritual high" i get from these videos.

Jewzic said...

No Sukkah decorations?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He is A1 !

Bio said...

He is not charlbach ! but he is full of heart and soul !

Eli said...

he is amazing ! gvaldig !

sruly said...

such a holy night ! return to the land of your soul ! green is the bast !