Monday, September 14, 2009

Yoely Lebovits Pester Rebbe Preforming in Crown Heights

A live Concert in Crown Heights. Sunday Sep 13 2009. Celebrating the first anniversary of The Concert featured performances from many different artist including Chaim Fogelman, Benny Friedman, Dovid Gabay, Yosef Chaim, Shloime Taussig, Beri Weber, Dovid Stein, Yoely Lebovits AKA "the Pester Rebbe"and singer Yoni Zeigelbaum. Accompanied by the Freilach Orchestra.

Below are many more videos of all the other performers.


Anonymous said...

Is he trying to imitate shlomo carlbach?

Burich said...

i didn't know he is a singer too !

Shana said...

I was by the concert ! i loved it so much mr Gruntig how can i get a copy of the amazing videos you posted ?

Lucky Wolf said...

Well Mr./Mrs. Shana, i wasn't the one who recorded these videos so i don't own them. But if you won't tell anyone i told you; there are websites or programs that allow you to download any video from you tube.

Shana said...

Thanks so much for telling me that ! i contact already the youtube user he goes by the name "shezoli" btw a great channel ! he told me the same think ! in any case a sweet year for all you bloggers ! (btw i am a Mrs.)

Anonymous said... is a great web site i use to download vids from you tube...