Monday, September 28, 2009

Sudden Passing Of Lelover Rebbe Zt'l

Sadness In Charedi World Over Sudden Passing Of Lelover Rebbe Zt'l Yom Kippur Night Thousands were on hand in the streets of Bnei Brak tonight (Motzei Yom Kippur) to take part in the funeral for the Lelover Rebbe ztl, who passed away last night after Maariv at the age of 78
Levya Of Lelover Rebbe Zt'l

Below is a clip of the last video of the Rebbe where the Rebbe gives Lekach out on this past Erev Yom Kippur, just hours before he left this world.


Anonymous said...

RIP rebbe !

Burich said...

oh vay.!! he was from the arlcsata rabbis in this dohr

npkin said...

what a holy man he was