Sunday, September 06, 2009

Lubavitcher Bochurem Dance with Cyber Guy

Uploaded by the official CyberGuyTV channel: "CyberGuy tries to make the day a little more kosher with help from some Jewish Rabbis."

I've never heard of them before but apparently they are a popular technology website or TV show based out of California. Click here to see for yourself.

I'm still not sure what these bochurem where doing there, I'm guessing it has something to do with the Chabad telethon next Sunday, hence the dancing rabbi Yarmulkas. If anyone does know more info, please share it.


friend said...

berel fine, you look great in a Kapote!

Anonymous said...

it seems they don't have what to do !

Anonymous said...

What an abuse of Tmimim! The people responsible for taking these bocharim out of learning for this embarrassment should be condemed! There are plenty of people who can be paid to be stooges rather then shleping bocharim out of the bais midrash for this.

Sholomkeh said...

I wouldn't jump to conclude so swiftly that these guys were being shlept out of the Beis Medrash.

buruch said...

what a shame !

Anonymous said...

a bizoyon. Is this what the Rebbe Rashab had in mind???
ksiva vchasima tovo