Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Young Boy Sings at Selichot Services

Young Eli Baigel singing at the Selichot service 2009 at Hampstead School with Shabbaton Choir. I belive this is in England.

This song is Berogez Rachem Tizkor from Tachanun.

Click below for 4 more beautiful videos.

Asher Yachdav

Mochel Avanot

Machnisei Rachamim.



mandy said...

like in church !

Shlomo said...

oh shut up mandy i cant stop listening to it its beautiful !!!!

get a life mandy said...

This is so nice, i wish more shuls did this stuff.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to go to such a Slichos service. I can just imagine what Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur davening is like-beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I know somthing about songs. but i never know that one !

Boruch said...

I'm going there next year!

Anonymous said...

As a music major from Peabody University and a frum Chazzan i wanted to say besides the fact that, that was a gorgeous voice/arrangement but also this unlike the way the frum market see's it today is the the proper way for a child to use his natural voice. I B"H was coached properly as a child and my voice was properly sustained.

mandy said...

so whats your name properly sustained cantor ?

sim said...

If there is any properly justifiable reason for you to contact me I will be more then happy to send you my credentials!