Anyone with more information please share.
Update: Wonder child Pinchus Graus from Boro Park sings at the Yaldei Dinner in Montreal, as his producer Eli Winsbacher conducts. Sharing the Stage with Shloime Gertner. May 26, 2009.
Pinyele was trained by the great Cantor Hersh Einhorn. Einhorn trained many great singers such Avrohom Fried, Chazzan Y.Y. Stark and many others.
Listen below to Pinyele's just released chazzanas album with the Shira choir.

The city is Montreal, and the keyboard player is Yo Eisenstark.
what is the name of the album, anybody???
Ovinu Shbashumayim, Pinyele
Pinyele- ovinu shebashumyim
I don't see Shloime Gertner Sharing the Stage ! do you ?
Magnificent voice
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