Thursday, August 20, 2009

MBD Sings Brand New Song

Bais Yaakov of Boro Park presents CHIZUK Through Nigunim. Starring Mordechai Ben David, Yeedle and the Shapiro Brothers (Acheinu). Music by the Freilach Orchestra. Tuesday, August 18th, 2009.
At The Golden Terrace Simcha Hall In Boro Park


MBDFAN said...

The older he gets the batter he is !

Eli said...

Mr. Gruntig any info on his upcoming cd Name ? Cover ? anything ?

mentch said...

the older he gets the worse he treats people.. look at him get pissed at that motley group of players who are volunteering their time! what a jackass... and worse of all, he intros his pervert son!

He is done! just listen to this crap song, if that's what you want to call it..

I love the rest of the stuff you showcase. Keep it up!

shmiluk said...

I just want to say thank u whoever post this video. i am working very hard trying to listen only to jewish music. This really strengthens my neshama. and i realize more how Jewish music can have a profound impacy not just only me, but as other ppl as well

Anonymous said...

As they say " The Return of the King"

Duvid said...

I can't wait for his new cd ! btw who made that song anybody know's ?

Anonymous said...

MBD the best !

ישראל said...

מרדכי בן דוד הוא המלך! של המוזיקה החסידית