Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hope On The Hudson

Tuesday Night, August 11th, A T.I.M.E. held a dinner and concert on the Hudson River. The boat set sail from Pier 59, Chesea Piers, in New York City. The evening was a star studded sold out event, featuring Avraham Fried, Chazan Yiztchok Meir Helfgot, Shloime Gertner and R Pinky Weber. The nights entertainment was hosted by R' Michoel Schnitzler, a well known Badchen and respected singer in his own right.

The organization A TIME is the premier, internationally acclaimed organization that offers advocacy, education, guidance, research and support through our many programs to Jewish men, women, and couples struggling with reproductive health and infertility.

Aside from the exciting musical entertainment there were some prominent speakers who discussed A T.I.M.E., what it does, and how we can help and be involved. Guest speakers included it's founder Rabbi Rosen, Rabbi Weiss, Rabbi Eisner, a personal story from a young man from Cleveland and Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro from North Miami Beach.

The entire evening was produced and coordinated by TeeM Productions (Yossi Tyberg and Gershy Moskowitz.)

Click here for many more pictures.

HT: Sruly Meyer.

Here is a video clip of Avraham Fried Singing Lipa/Chili Posen's Hentelach.

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