Tuesday, July 21, 2009

MBD Sings Ko Amar

Mordechai Ben David sings Ko Amar Hashem with Chaim David and Dedi.


Eli said...

Wow ! when and where was that ?

Yossi said...

i don't see Chaim David and Dedi singing !

dovid said...

and someone else IS singing...funny mix up there with the mics

Michael Sedley said...

Is that Rav Moti Alon next to MBD? And it looks like Natan Shransky at the end of the table - quite a line up.

Reminds me of Shransky's biography when he recalls that as a child he had a terrible singing voice - the music teacher in school would tell him to stop singing for now, "Your time will come" she said.
"His "Time came" while he was in solitary confinement and would sing at the top of his lungs to keep himself sane.

Little did he know while in solitary confinement that he was destined to share the stage with some of the world's best Jewish singers.