Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Lubavitcher Rebbe and Rav Tzvi Kahana

Rav Tzvi Kahana was an Alter Mirrer who later moved to Eretz Yisroel and started his own Yeshivah. It seems like it is a sort of unique Yeshivah, in that it seems to have all types of students there, from modern "Mizrachi" to "Meah Shearim" types. He passed away in 5756.He seemingly didn't buy into the Misnagedisher gibberish he was hearing in Bnei Beraq at the end of the 5740's about the Rebbe and Lubavitch, but some of the supposed Taynes bothered him, so he decided he'll go ask the Rebbe himself. I guess he was in New York anyway, since he had his wife - the daughter of Harav Yitzchok Arieli - with him, and I don't think he would come antagonize the Rebbe with his Rebbetzin at his side. HT: Circus Tent.

Click here for a rough transcript of the conversatin transalated to English.

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